Growing, Discovering, Creating, Together

Eltham North Primary School is a prestigious and modern educational facility located in Melbourne's beautiful green wedge.

Get a birds eye view of the school from the spectacular drone footage below.

" I extend a warm welcome to you and your family to Eltham North Primary School " - David Foley, Principal

Latest News

DET Child Safe Standards Policy update
(03) 9439 9639
School Office
(03) 9439 3607
Gum leaf illustration
Gum leaf illustration


Eltham North Primary is a dynamic learning community that has at its core, positive and constructive relationships.

Our school sets high expectations and empowers students to embrace learning. Learning is purposeful, real and exciting and structure and support facilitates student progress. There is a strong emphasis on achieving your personal best and building a holistic approach to emotional, social and physical wellbeing.

Our School motto encapsulates the values and philosophy we bring to education.

‘Growing, Discovering and Creating Together'
Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

Our school is located on the lands of the Wurundjeri people and we wish to acknowledge them as traditional owners. We pay respect to their elders, past, present and emerging and aboriginal elders of other communities.

Active Classrooms
Outdoor Play Spaces
5 Star Sustainable School

Get involved!

We value parent involvement in all aspects of school life. Learn about School Council and our Parents and Friends Association.

School Council

Need a uniform?

Visit our uniform shop to see all the uniform options available.

Uniform Shop

School Lunch Ideas?

Our school has extensive healthy eating programs in place. See some great lunch ideas in the Healthy Habits area of our website.

Healthy Habits