Student Achievement

Two students collaborating on a reading activity

At Eltham North Primary School we acknowledge that continuous improvement cannot take place without a unity of purpose and collaboration within our school community. The information we gather each year through monitoring and evaluating our practices, tracking student achievement and studying educational research has helped us to create a process for insightful curriculum development.

Eltham North Primary School is a high achieving school. In all of our results, we perform well ahead of the state average and frequently achieve well above local schools. We are always mindful of knowing our children. Knowing them as people and knowing them as students. We use our assessment to prioritise the support they need to reach their potential. The information we gather each year through monitoring and evaluating our practices, tracking student achievement and studying educational research has helped us to create a process for insightful curriculum development.

Within this consistently strong performance pattern some indicators reveal where future improvement can be achieved. These are identified in the following discussion and summarised at the end of this section.

A deeper look at student achievement results are available in the Policies and Reports area of our website.

Policies & Reports


Reading P-2

The Prep to Year 2 Assessment of Reading indicators reveal consistently strong school performance patterns with very high proportions of students reading with 90-100% accuracy at the highest measured text level for their year level. The data show the school score was consistently above the state mean and in the range that might be predicted by the school’s SFO percentile range indicators.

English On-line Interview (EOI) P-2

The EOI indicators show the school generally performing well above the state and within the school’s SFO percentile range indicators. The vast majority of students were assessed as being in groups at Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 for Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening. Strengths are observable in both the absolute and comparative performance indicators. These strengths include:

  • More than nine in every ten Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students (between 93% and 100%) were assessed as being at or above the standard for their year level (that is, in EOI groups three to six)
  • Very high proportions of students more than 12 months above expected levels, for example, four in every five year 2 students were in EOI groups 5 or 6 for Speaking and Listening

The school mean scores across the three year levels and three English dimensions were:

  • generally in the top 10% of all schools, with Year 1 and 2 Writing and Speaking and Listening scores in the top 5% of all schools
  • within the range that might be predicted by the SFO percentile range indicators
  • significantly above the state mean score.

Some variations among year levels and English dimensions are observable within these generally strong performance patterns. Strongest performance is seen in the Year 1 and 2 Speaking and Listening dimension. The Year 1 and Year 2 mean scores were higher than the Reading and Writing means recorded in for the same cohort. The Year 2 mean of 3.18 was significantly higher than that for the state (2.29) – 21 months above the state. Writing means for Year 1 and Year 2 were lower than those recorded for Speaking and Listening and higher than the Reading means.

A small proportion of students performing below expected standards appear in the EOI data, six months or more behind expectations. The highest proportions were 5% in Reading at Year 1 and 2, and 8% of Prep students in Speaking and Listening.

EOI mean scores are well above teacher judgement means for the same year levels.

Teacher Judgement P-6

A whole P-6 measure of achievement (Teacher Judgements against the Year levels Prep-6 combined) reveals high proportions of all Prep to Year 6 students receiving A, B, or C grades (that is, at or above expected standards) in the English and Mathematics dimensions. The proportions were: Reading, 97%; Writing, 97%; Speaking & Listening, 99%; Number, 98%; Measurement, Chance & Data, 99%. These are well in excess of the SSP target of 85%. The majority of students received A or B grades in Reading (65%) and Writing (54%), reflecting other data sets such as EOI and NAPLAN. Proportions for Speaking and Listening, Number, and Measurement, Chance and Data were lower, particularly for A grades.


  • school mean scores have trended upward and are generally above those for the state and within or close to the SFO percentile ranges
  • school mean scores above standards scores appropriate to the year level
  • higher (but relatively small) proportions of student in years 3-6 below expected standards.


Student Achievement over the review period:  Teacher assessments against the (reading, writing, speaking and listening, number and mathematics) and NAPLAN data (reading, writing, spelling, number and mathematics) indicate that Eltham North students performed above Statewide benchmarks across all year levels.

The provision of support programs in Literacy and Numeracy are accessible for students with identified learning needs and specific tutoring clearly value added to student performance results

Parent opinion survey results reflect a positive shift in opinion of student performance but Student opinion survey reflect areas for improvement in engagement and connectedness.

Teacher Assessments:  Student achievement at all year levels combined was greater than 98% in Reading, 97% in Writing, 99% in Speaking and Listening and greater than 99% for Number and 99% for Measurement Chance & Data. This pattern of reducing the tail at the lower end of the achievement scale is consistently positive in trend data. A focus for the coming year will be to continue to shift upwards all cohort band groups of students. i.e. lower, mid range and upper cohort

Summary of NAPLAN Results

These National Assessments were completed in May for literacy and numeracy.