
Home >> AUSLAN
The school introduced Australian sign language or Auslan as a language other than English or LOTE option in 2022.

Students from all year levels attend Auslan for two terms in a weekly session with a specialist Auslan teacher. The overriding goal is to develop student skills in non-verbal communication. Lessons consist of hands on activities involving mime, finger spelling and general signing and students participate in performance and create visual displays by visiting experts.

Why Auslan?

Developing the language of Auslan enhances student confidence in communication, opens up networks within the community and supports concepts explored within the general classroom. The commitment involved is to develop language skills that will allow students to achieve their greatest possible potential

Background information: The national Auslan curriculum has two strands: an L1 first language learning pathway for deaf students to learn Auslan as native users, and an L2 second language learning pathway for hearing students. The curriculum accomodates both deaf and hearing students across Australia. It recognises the contribution of deaf communities and cultures to Australian society and acknowledges their place within it.

Although Auslan and other sign languages have no written form, they have their own unique vocabulary and grammar. They can convey nuanced, technical, and complex meaning. Signing communities around the world have their own established traditions with regard to sign singing, theatre, poetry, storytelling, comedy, and jokes

Benefits for the School Community

Learning Auslan benefits staff and students because it:

  • Reinforces the development of neural pathways and cognitive processes in ways only a visual language can.
  • Strengthens the memory and brain function of children.
  • Improves visual-gestural communication skills which can be applied in International or cross-cultural settings.
  • Allows hearing students to see deafness and disability in a positive light as “different”, and the acquisition of Auslan as a valuable tool for communicating with deaf people, particularly with deaf friends or family members.
  • The visual-gestural nature of sign language may appeal to children who have good kinaesthetic skills, and who find it easier to learn concepts and information when they are incorporated with physical movements
  • Offers opportunities for intellectual interest, engagement, and personal challenge
  • Offers opportunities for the integration of knowledge in other areas through the use of information and communication technologies
  • Facilitates the development of interpersonal skills and experiences.
  • Increases understanding of language systems, language learning, and learning processes.
  • Provides access to alternative ways of thinking and methods of communication.
  • Opens up career possibilities for students as Auslan interpreters, teachers, notetakers, and carers for young Auslan users.

Parent Resources


(Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority)

Visit the Department of Educations official Curriculum resource site to learn about Auslan in the Victorian Curriculum

Learning in Auslan

Teach Starter

Check out some high quality videos created to introduce Auslan for students.

Introduction Videos