
Latest details about our transition process


> Primary School

Year 6 >

Secondary Schools


2026 Transition Days

This information is now updated for parents enrolling during 2025 for a 2026 start.

Our comprehensive transition process commences in Term 3 & 4 with transition sessions and a Parent Information night. These transition sessions along with Kindergarten tours are designed to gain knowledge about your child to ensure they have the best possible start to their primary school education. Your child is welcome to participate in 4 special transition sessions as follows: Note: the following date are correct for 2025.
No 1: Wednesday 17 September @ 9.15 - 11.50 am
No 2: Wednesday 22 October @ 9.15 - 11.50 am
No 3: Thursday 6 November @ 9.15 - 11.50 am
No 4: Tuesday 18 November @ 9.15 - 10.30 am
(Your new teacher and class are revealed in this session)View our community calendar

The Transition to Secondary School Program involves all Year 6 students learning about life at secondary school.  

Each year past Eltham North students in Year 7 from various secondary colleges return to share their experiences of secondary school. The sessions are run weekly during Term 4. In December, a Victorian Statewide Orientation Day is held where future Year 6 students get to spend the day at their future secondary school.

Sessions include:
A discussion about social and emotional issues such as peer relationships, goals, assertiveness, problem solving, decisions and choices, and how the the organisation of secondary schools differs to the Primary School setting.

DoE Timelines Secondary School Placement 2025
9th May    Parents submit applications
20thMay     Primary Schools send applications to
                    High Schools
16th July      Primary Schools inform parents of place
6th Aug       Acceptance Slip must be returned **
19th Aug     Closing date for any appeals

**Download the Year 7 2026 Placement Acceptance Slip here. MUST BE RETURNED BY 6TH AUGUST

Download the Appeals Form here should you wish to Appeal the decision.

Literacy and numeracy assessments

Once you have completed the transition process as above, you will be invited to make 3 bookings for your child for a 2026 start.  The first booking is the 10 minute interview on the first day of school.  The other interviews are for Literacy and Numeracy assessments.  These will take place on the Wednesdays prior to your child commencing full time.  Full details regarding these assessments will be made available during Term 4 2025 prior to your child commencing in 2026.

Parent information sessions

Our Parent Information session will be held on Monday 13 October at 3.45pm. The purpose of this meeting will be to provide information on ‘Preparing Your Child For School’ and ‘School Programs’ – particularly reading, writing and numeracy. You can view a previous Parent Information Evening by clicking here.