Uniform Shop

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At Eltham North Primary School our students wear green and gold. Our uniform consists of comfortable, durable and affordable clothing that is readily available from our uniform supplier Spartan School Supplies. You can purchase through their website or from their store in Lower Plenty. We strongly encourage all children to wear the uniform.

We believe that the wearing our school uniform fosters pride in the school, encourages children to identify with the school and feel a sense of belonging.  It also assists with supervision and safety on visits out of the school and unifies students from varying social and cultural backgrounds into a cohesive school identity. 

The ENPS  broad-brimmed Sun Smart hat is a compulsory uniform item whenever students are outside during term one and four.

Orders are made online and once purchased they can be either delivered to your home address, this will incur a delivery fee, or sent to the school and will be sent home with your child. We do have some stock of second hand uniforms which will be available again for purchase each term. Iron on logos are available through the Office.